The stage was set for an exquisite evening. We had just finished cocktail hour in the gorgeous Manhattan Lounge at the St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort in Abu Dhabi and were headed out to meander through the lovely grounds … [Continue reading]
The stage was set for an exquisite evening. We had just finished cocktail hour in the gorgeous Manhattan Lounge at the St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort in Abu Dhabi and were headed out to meander through the lovely grounds … [Continue reading]
Remember those days when summer couldn’t come fast enough? In a time long past, I counted days, minutes, seconds, until school was done and I could spend three glorious months in a blissful, oblivious state of freedom. … [Continue reading]
When we arrived in Moscow, Russia we brought warm weather with us. The long, cold winter was officially over and we were greeted by blue skies, warm breezes and flowers and trees bursting with life. It couldn’t have been more perfect. However, we … [Continue reading]
There’s not much to do on a cargo boat. There’s no swimming pool, no bar, no shuffleboard on the Lido deck. The cabins are tiny and stifling hot, and while “rustic” may be the current trendy way to describe simple, ethnic … [Continue reading]
As our crowded, slipshod taxi pulled into the dusty town of Yurimaguas, I saw them. They were lying in wait like lions near a watering hole. And they saw us. They were the moto drivers who would be our best friends, or something just shy of it, for … [Continue reading]
Sorry about the delay! I know that The Alphabet List typically comes out on Friday, but due to circumstances beyond our control, it’s been pushed back until today! Enjoy the third installment, where we start with the … [Continue reading]
Continued from Part One. We left Chachapoyas in a taxi, bound for the little town of Pedro Ruiz. We were early, very early, for the bus to Taropoto, so we walked the length of this one-donkey town, stopped at a restaurant for … [Continue reading]
We were only on our second bottle of wine when we decided to go to the Amazon. It was an easy decision to make. Our Aussie friends were there to watch the house, and we didn’t have anything else to do, as was most often the case during our time in … [Continue reading]
After writing the first installment of the Alphabet List, I thought that this would be a breeze. Just go through the letters, and pick places or activities that intrigue me. Easy peasy, right? Wrong. There are so many things to see, touch, taste and … [Continue reading]
We’d left the northern Croatian coast early that morning, our trusty, rented Volkswagen steed primed and ready. No plans were laid save for an arrival in Prague in one day’s time. We’d hoped to make it as far as Graz, Austria that day, but a long … [Continue reading]